A quiet, methodical former National Secretary of the New Zealand Radio DX League, George died on March 5, in his 70th year. George played an important role for some years in the 1950-60s as secretary when headquarters was based in Dunedin.
A keen administrator, he took an active part in League affairs when on the administrative committee. A keen broadcast DXer, he experienced his early radio days at a crib (bach) at Long Beach, 20 miles north of Dunedin on the coast, where he had beverage antennas strung out over the sand hills directed to North America.
In later years he established his listening posts at his home in Dunedin and Mosgiel. He had 802 verifications from 61 countries. After a spell as an amateur radio operator (ZL4LG) he returned tofavourite hobby of DXing and entered the shortwave band adding 129 QSLs from 68 countries. Even suffering after 40 years of illness, George continued his DXing to the extent his last loggings were on January 22,this year, when he reported 1XSR and 2YB.
Displayed at his funeral service were his logbook, headphones and this year’s copy of the World Radio TV Handbook. The League was represented by Patron JACK FOX, MURRAY LAMONT and a past secretary PETER ABURN. Our sympathy goes to George’s widow Pat and family.(via Jack Fox)