Risto Vaahaikinu (EDXC President), Toshi Ohtake, Mark Nicholls, Ray Crawford at Mark’s Chch home in 1998

The attached shows Auckland Branch members and their radios that attended that Waipu Cove weekend in March 1995. Members L to R kneeing Jeff Martin, Daniel Bloomfield, John West, Bill McKechnie Standing George Muzyka, Evan Murray, Graeme Dixon, Jim Pope, Malcom Holmes, George Welsby, John Watson. photographer Arthur De Maine

Eric McIntosh & Martin Flahive at Tiwai in mid 70s

Richard Ginbey, DXers and DJ. Richard moved to South Africa and became an excellent DX journalist before his untimely death in a car crash.

Arthur de Maine 1983 in the North Otago branch shack

Adrian Petersen, DXer, DX historian and AWR producer for many years.

Anker Petersen 1998

Arthur Cushen

Standing: Bryan Clark & Andy McQueen, sitting: Theo Donnelly and Jim Benzoni. On a Labour Weekend DXpedition to Lorenzen Bay near Raglan in 1966

That’s Bryan Clark making a trunk call to WXLG at Raglan in 1966

Bryan Clark, Theo Donnelly, Andy McQueen and Jim Benzoni on a DXpedition near Raglan in 1966

1977 DXcursion Australia group photo

Theo Donnelly, Bryan Clark and Bryan Marsh on 1977 DXcursion Australia trip

Theo Donnelly & Chris Martin DXing on a cool Goulburn night in a drafty woolshed in 1977

Dene Lynneberg, Tony Marr, Theo Donnelly & Bryan Clark at Bryan’s grandparents Waitarere Beach bach in 1975.

Bryan Clark & Theo have the hump with bad reception

Bryan Clark, Andy McQueen, Jim Benzoni standing, Dene Lynneberg at the front, Ngarunui (Ocean) Beach, Raglan 1966

Theo Donnelly, Dene Lynneberg, Jim Benzoni & Andy McQueen at Raglan in 1966

Ray Crawford & Sutton Burtenshaw testing Bryan Clark’s newly installed EWE antennas

Sutton Burtenshaw and Ray Crawford at Waianakarua in 2007

Arthur Cushen

Basil Jamieson at Waianakarua

Bernhard Gruendl & travelling companion Renata. Berhnard was a top European DXer until his untimely death in a car crash

Bill Marsh Jnr

Bill Marsh Snr

Bill Smith, Iowa at Waianakarua in2002

Bryan Clark

Cliff Couch

Chris Martin at Cox Peninsula, NT, home of Radio Australia’s Darwin TX facility

Chris Martin

Cyril Blucher

Des Frampton

Brian Dodgson

Ray Davey, Peter Grenfell, Arthur Finch at Waianakrua

Arthur Finch, Steven Greenyer at Waianakrua

Peter Grenfell, Arthur Finch at Waianakrua

Jim Smyth at Waianakrua

Dudley Carter

Frank Glenn, Paul Ormandy

Roger Pryde at Shag Valley Station

Chris Martin with the DX bus in the Northern Territories

Gathering at John Smiths, Brisbane. L to R: Robert shepherd, Martin Hadlow, Sam Dellit, Chris Martin, John Smith, Merv Joyce, Colleen Smith

Ray Crawford, Bryan Clark, Sutton Burtenshaw installing Bryan’s EWEs at Mangawhai

Frank and Margret Glenn

Gavin Bennett

Frank Glenn & Bryan Clark at Mangawhai

Keith Glover, Mr Radio Australia!

Jack Fox in his Mosgiel shack

Jack Searle, Basil Jamieson 1998

Jack Searle in his Haumoana shack

John Durham with his first ever radio

John and Lisse Lund from Denmark with Peter Grenfell at Waianakarua

Kelvin Brayshaw

David Ricquish 1983

Bryan Clark & David Ricquish 2017

Chris Mackerell & David Ricquish 2017

Lloyd Warburton, first NZRDXL president

Linda Ormandy and Richard E Wood, Hilo, Hawaii 1988

Martin Hadlow

Merv Branks

Merv Branks

Mark Nicholls

Mark Nicholls

Mark Nicholls 1988 Te Araroa DXpedition side-trip to East Cape lighthouse

Mark Nicholls

Harry Weatherley at his shack in 1977

Ash Nallawalla in Harry Weatherley’s shack

Mark Nicholls, Harry Weatherley, Bryan Clark, Paul, Scott & Mark Ormandy 1994

Graeme Hill & Alistair Stewart, Noth Otago branch shack on the coast, Caledonian Rd, Oamaru before coastal erosion forced relocation to Reservoir Rd, high over Oamaru.

Dave Lowery, Oamaru

Denis Rodway, Ted Sutton, Oamaru

Winners of HCJB DX Test contest Alistair Sutherland, Paul Ormandy, Peter Grenfell & Basil Jamieson with their rewards.

North Otago branch members visit to NZDXRA Easter DXped to Shag Valley Station, Pig Route. Alistair Sutherland, Paul Ormandy, Basil Jamieson, Ross Gibson, Keith Creighton, Peter Grenfell, Graham Stanaway

David Headland, Frank Glenn, Arthur de Maine, Steven Greenyer, Paul Ormandy, Arthur Ficn at a North Otago branch Xmas BBQ in rather non-Xmasy weather!

Back: Mark Nicholls, Russell Pryde, Dave Nairn, Russell Dickson, ?, Andy McQueen, Ron Killick Front: Ali MacArthur, Sean Pryde, Wally Singleton, ?

Owen Barriball, Opunake

A smiling Paul Aronsen at a Southland branch BBQ

Paul Aronsen & Mark Nicholls

Paul Aronsen, Paul Ormandy, Oamaru 1983

Patrick Martin, Seaside OR, Paul & Linda Ormandy in Waikiki 1988

Paul Ormandy, Ray Crawford, Oamaru 1984

Peter Grenfell at Waianakarua

Peter Chambers, Opunake

Peter Grenfell & Paul Ormandy at Waianakarua

Bryan Clark, Paul Ormandy, Mark Nicholls & Peter Grenfell at Waianakarua

Peter Grenfell, Bryan Clark, Paul Ormandy and ? at Waianakarua

Some of the Mangwhai revellers puzzled by the high electrical fences at Bryan’s place.

Paul Ormandy’s shack in 2003

Paul & Linda Ormandy with Alan Roycroft in Hilo, Hawaii 1988

Barry Williams

Bruce Cavanagh, Merv Branks & Eddie Mackaskill

John Allchin

Betty Marsh, Gwen & Don Cook, Bryan Marsh

John Mainland and Lindsay Robinson at Tiwai 1978

Ray Crawford and Bill Marsh Junior

Ray Crawford at Tiwai

Ray Crawford, Owen Barriball and Robin Chambers

Mark Nicholls with Don and Hazel Reed and a ? in Christchurch

Dr Richard E Wood, Hilo, Hawaii 1988

Risto Vaahaikinu, EDXC president 1998 AGM at Camp Iona

Robin Chambers in his Opunake shack

Paul Ormandy in his Swift St shack 2009

Sutton Burtenshaw proudly accepting the Columbus Trophy on behalf of the Southland Branch from Don Cambridge, the then manager of the Columbus Radio Centre in Invercargill.

Dallas McKenzie on the West Coast

Stu Forsyth at Tiwai 2003

Tony King, Wadestown

Paul Ormandy in his Avon St shack circa 1984 with the loop that produced Reunion,, Seychelles, Bahamas and Isle of Man on MW!

Ray Crawford

Bill Marsh Snr

Keith Glover


Official handover of League archives at Hocken Library, Jack Fox & Peter Grenfell representing the League.

Arthur “Scratch” Williams

Des Frampton

Albert Stanton

Des Frampton 21st & Mother Isabella Frampton 1947

Doc Herrold

Gervan McMillan

Derek Howie, Brian Bellett, Neville Ross, Sutton Burtenshaw and Merv Branks (both partially obscured),Des Frampton, Trevor Service and Frank Tod

Ray Crawford centre, tuning SPR4, Ron Everingham VK4EV, John Smith, Doug Milligan, John Bastable

L-R: JJim Pope, Malcolm Holmes, John Watson (back), Rosalinde McKechnie (front), Bill McKechnie and Paul Friedricks at a Model X hobbies exhibition.

Paul Ormandy, Basil Jamieson & Arthur Finch

Arthur Cushen using the Racal RA17A at 212 Eart St

Charlie Chester listens on while Arthur Cushen tunes them in at Tiwai

Charlie Chester at home

Charlie Chester with his FRG-7 at Tiwai

Southland Branch members Leo Miezenbeck, Eris McIntosh, Charlie Chester, Arthur Williams, Steven Greenyer, Ray Crawford & Peter Lankshear

John Lonie, Bruce Cavanagh & Paul Aronsen at Tiwai

Steven Greenyer DJíng at Tiwai station 4U2P. Was well known for it’s DX show |The Long Drop

Ärthur Williams, Tony Magon, Bryan Marsh. Stephen Lawrence, Barry Williams, Arthur de Maine, Mark Nicholls & Paul Aronsen,. Breakfast time at the 1988 Anniversary

Alex Allan

Bill Milne

Brian Bellett

Frank Tod

Frank W Wilson

Jack Fox

Ken Mackey

Neville Ross

Ross Gibson

Trevor Service