Life members: Paul Ormandy, Barry Williams, Don Reed, Paul Aronsen, Bryan Clark, Peter Grenfell, Ross Gibson
60th Anniversary Greetings
From the NZ Radio DX League President
As we celebrate the 60 years since our club was formed, we pay tribute to the
many DX and SWL colleagues, past and present, who have enthusiastically given their time and talents to share their hobby with us, through the NZ Radio DX League and our magazine, the NZ DX Times.
In what is essentially a solo hobby, it has been the encouragement of DXers like
the late Jack Fox, Arthur Cushen, Merv Branks and Eric McIntosh, and many still living, that has brought each of us to where we are today in our understanding and enjoyment of the DX/SWL hobby. At the 60th Anniversary Celebrations and AGM hosted by North Otago Branch, it was a particular privilege to be able to bestow Life Membership on founding members Don Reed and Ross Gibson. Ross was one of the senior shortwave DXers I looked up to when I began DXing in 1961, and some of my early enthusiasm for medium wave DXing came from listening with Don at his crib north of Christchurch during my first DX League convention in 1964
We honour all those who have mentored today’s hobbyists, and ensured that
the NZ Radio DX League has a solid and reputable foundation today. And I also salute those of you still involved in national and branch DX administration, our Chief Editor and Sub-Editors, and to everyone who’s contributions to the magazine every month ensure a newsworthy read.
Bryan Clark
National President
New Zealand Radio DX League

Life members with our patron Frank Glen: Ross Gibson, Don Reed, Frank, Paul Aronsen, Paul Ormandy, Bryan Clark, Peter Grenfell, Barry Williams