Barry Jones – Tribute


With regret we record Barry’s passing on 8 April, at the age of 71, following a short illness. Barry regularly attended Auckland Branch meetings during the 1990s and also some DX conventions and AGMs when these were held annually in Oamaru.

He spent his first years at Kakanui just south of Oamaru and at an early age was sent to Homai College for the Blind in Parnell, Auckland where he received all his education. Barry became very proficient in Braille and his great love was for radio.

Life member (and Barry’s cousin) PETER GRENFELL says that “it was a rare privilege be alongside Barry when he was tuning around the radio dial. Even though he could not read the figures on the dial he could, with his acute hearing and intuition, tell you the exact frequency, name of the station being listened to and its history.

He also had a special gift for figures, names, dates and events from the past. I am sure that Barry would be deeply indebted to the members of the NZRDXL Auckland Branch who took him to meetings and conventions. Barry had his radio amateurs licence and when he could have access to a suitable antenna he communicated with all his amateur friends.

He was an avid reader of Braille books and magazines and it must have been difficult at times for the Blind Foundation library staff to keep up with his supply. Barry will be remembered by all of us who were fortunate enough to know him and share in his life.”