Peter passed away on the 26th of July 2017. Below is a bio supplied by Peter.
“Joined the N.Z. Radio D.X. League in 1951 and I have gained many friends in N.Z. and worldwide through this hobby. Main interest in the early days was listening to & reporting on the low powered North American stations on the Medium Wave Band.
Enjoyed Short Wave & listening to Swiss Radio International, Radio Netherlands, B.B.C, Radio Japan,H.C.J.B. Radio Canada International and Radio Australia as well as logging & sending reports to the many Pirate Stations that came on the airwaves from the early 1970’s. Pirate Q.S.L’s or verifications have been amassed from approx. 50 stations.
There are still many challenges for D.X.ers on all the radio bands. The internet could be used to advantage and may even be the catalyst for a new interest in radio.
I also have an interest in preserving the history of early days of Radio in N.Z. & along with Paul Ormandy and the North Otago members of the D.X. League was responsible for the depositing at least 40 D.X.ers’ collections in the Archive section of the Hocken Library in Dunedin. These collections are a history of the early days of Radio in this country from the beginnings of Radio.”