Long-time League and Auckland branch member Bryan Marsh passed away recently. Bryan was a regular attendee of all League and branch activities, often attending with wife Betty and traveling to events in his campervan. Wherever Bryan went, he usually took a swag of receivers and it was difficult to get a photo of Bryan without an attendant radio up to his ear! Paul Ormandy
I first met Bryan when attending my first Auckland Branch meeting way back in 1978 and soon after that first meeting I was invited to his place at Mangere Bridge. Bryan had a love for vintage radio receivers, many of which were stored in a shed behind his house, or it may have been the garage, (memory a little hazy). Bryan also collected information on modifications to a large number of receivers and this information would always be shared others..
Bryan and his wife Betty would often turn up at conventions in their Campervan and he would always produce some sort of portable receiver. I can remember him arriving at one Camp Iona convention with one very large portable radio.
Bryan will be missed especially in League and vintage radio circles. Arthur De Maine League President

The attached photo is circa 1996 outside the Western Suburbs Radio Clubrooms in Auckland where we held League AGMs and Auckland Branch meetings. Left to Right: Ernie Hakanson, Graeme Dixon, Daniel Bloomfield, Arthur de Maine, Evan Murray, John Thornton (?), Bryan Marsh, Barry Williams, Jim Pope, Tom Rushbrooke, Bill McKechnie, Yuri Muzyka, Bryan Clark.