From Tom’s son Steve
Tom began DXing in 1961 and never stopped. The ¾ acre property he lived on had an elaborate antenna system running back to his radio room which was seperate from the house with the long wires covering 3 directions of the property for reception.
He was a Monitor for the BBC and Voice of America for many years covering the cold war era and beyond, he logged extensively through the Eastern block of countries and Europe also. There was always Mail!
His DXing was a main topic around the dinner table which I enjoyed hearing about.
He knew Desmond Arnold Kelly and had also met Arthur Cushen. He was still logging stations until about 9 months before his death in November 2009.

The radio shown is a Phillips Bi Amply that he won in a DXing competition. One of the best radios for DXing during its time I believe
The photo was taken around 1964.