Category Archives: Broadcasters

The Aussie Broadcast Band In 1946

Aussie BC Stations Jan 1946s

click to enlarge

Western Radio Broadcasters Tuning Out

vicgoonetillekeWell-known DXer Victor Goonetilleke in Sri Lanka laments the state of international shortwave broadcasts from the West in this story on the Straits Times website.

Radio Hauraki Documentary


Radio Hauraki, originally New Zealand ‘s first off-shore pirate radio station and now a successful commercial broadcaster is the feature of a recent movie and documentary. The TV doco is previewed on the Stuff website.

A 1996 documentary can be viewed here at New Zealand On Screen.

Audio of a 1966 broadcast can be found on Youtube.

New SIBC Transmitter

SIBC logo
From SIBC News, 25th July, 2014:
The Government of Japan through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has delivered a new radio broadcasting transmission facility through the National Broadcaster, SIBC.
The more than 40-million dollars facility is donated under a project called “Improvement of Radio Broadcasting Network for Disaster Prevention” and is to improve early warning systems during times of disasters in Solomon Islands.
Minister responsible for Disaster Management, Bradley Tovosia “turned the switch on” after receiving the equipment from Japan’s Ambassador to Solomon Islands, Kenichi Kimiya today.
Speaking at the handover ceremony this morning, Ambassador Kimiya said the project is in line with Japan’s priority policy – climate change adaptation and disaster risk management.
The Japanese Ambassador adds, he notes the Solomon Islands Government also prioritizes disaster risk management as an urgent matter.
“The project is especially expected to improve the radio broadcasting network, enabling nationwide coverage in the Solomon Islands, which is exposed to high risks of natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, tidal waves, cyclones and so on. I believe radio broadcasting is a public good
The project includes a shortwave transmitter system, a shortwave antennae system, a transmitter power supply system, a disaster prevention broadcasting communication radio system, a program transmission link equipment and peripherals, tools and spare parts to maintain the equipment.
The project now enables a 24 hours shortwave radio broadcasting and communication service, and increases the coverage of radio broadcasting to nearly 1-hundred percent of the country’s population.

Radio Canada International SW Towers


RCI Sackville (Tantramarsh)

Thanks to Paul Rawdon reporting in DX Dialog “This could be well worth seeing.An experimental documentary film about the RCI shortwave radio towers.  Images captured on 35mm film, and stories told in English, French, and Mi’kmaq.

Radio Australia To Slash SW Services

raThanks to Dallas MacKenzie reporting on the DX Dialog reflector for the following:  “RA news announced that 60% of its services to close (23/7 News)”    This includes the Pacific Island Service which will only Broadcast News, and local ABC programmes…(Similar to RNZI). Further Info will be available from their web page shortly”

Aussie MW Band In 1937

Australian Broadcast Stations 1937

Click on the image to enlarge.

Solomon Islands Back On Shortwave

SIBC logo

Reporting on the DX Dialog user-group, Bryan Clark has this hot-off-the-press item:

After a couple of months absence from it’s daytime channel – 9545 kHz,
SIBC conducted tone tests yesterday and today is back with full audio –
excellent signals noted here at 0345 UTC during a music dedication

Soviet Jammers From Latvia

jammertxNot all of the Soviet jamming originated from Russia, their replublics also hosted jammers, and what’s more some were made in the USA. The Latvian History blog carries this interesting story. They also make the comment that the jammers blocked transmissions from Soviet-friendly states as well. From the same site, there are interesting blogs on Nazi radio propaganda during WW2 and Latvian-made valve radios.

The AM Band in 1948


Thanks to Bill Marsh, here is a glimpse of the Australia/NZ broadcast band in 1948. Click on the image below to enlarge it.

Freq Changes

VOA – The Good Oil



Thanks to The SWLing Post, below are the details of changes to the Voice of America broadcasts. The info was provided by Letitia King, spokeswoman for the Broadcasting Board of Governors.


Facts and Figures on Shortwave Broadcast Reductions


June 30, 2014


 U.S. international media must optimize program delivery by market. We are ending some shortwave transmissions. We continue shortwave to those countries where these transmissions are still reaching significant audiences or where there are no reasonable alternative platforms at a lower cost to the BBG.


Reach Beyond’s Ministry Continues


HCJB’s pioneering quad antenna

The name HCJB may be consigned to history but the memory of founder Clarence Jones lives in. From Regina’s “Leader-Post” comes this story of how it’s ministry still influences people.

ZBC Board Shocked By SW Dilapidation


The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation’s failure to maintain SW services has finally been noticed by the bureaucrats. Look for a resumption in SW services soon if the following item on the Voice of the People’s website stirs the technicians into action! The cynical would wonder why its taken this long for the board members to notice, unless of course they don’t have a SW radio! By the way, the Voice of the People is the clandestine opposition to the government’s Voice of Zimbabwe.

Delano’s Future

Voice of America logo

Voice of America logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It has been over 6 years since VOA closed its famous Delano, California transmitter site and it has sat idle all that time.

Now it seems something is going to happen at last… but don’t expect a SW resurrection any time soon!

More from the Bakersfield Californian website.



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NAAMB On The Future Of The US AM Band

Amplitude modulation; vectorial version of [:I...


The FCC has made proposals to ensure the future of the AM broadcast band. However, the National Alliance of AM Broadcasters is not in full agreement with the way officialdom has mapped out the future. More in this article from the Radio & Music website.


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When CBS Got Serious About Shortwave

CBS Logo Light

CBS Logo Light (Photo credit: watchwithkristin)

CBS is one of the world-wide giants of broadcasting and a name well-known to NZ mediumwave DXers, old-timers will recall them on shortwave also… Radio World has an interesting article on their HF history

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Former Radio Canada International Facility Being Dismantled

English: Radio Canada International Transmitte...

English: Radio Canada International Transmitter Station, Tantramar Marsh, New Brunswick, Canada (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Sackville, New Brusnwick transmitter site is being torn down. Radio Canada Int closed in 2012 , so ending a chapter that began before World War 2. The Sackville Tribune carried this report.

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More On The Resilience Of Radio

English: High detail closeup of a cockroach.

The Independent newspaper published a web article echoing similar stories of recent times, on how radio has survived of technological “advances”.

Here is their slant on the medium that is turning into the cockroach of technology!

Thanks to Martin Hadlow for posting this link on DX Dialog.



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BBC World Service To Reduce Shortwave


“The Beeb” on SW  is once again getting pared down in an effort to save money. This story from The Guardian website.

Video Killed The Radio Star


Buggles, performers of the hit song “Video Killed the Radio Star” Cr: Wikipedia

Or did it? Radio has withstood all manner of technological incarnations, will anything kill it off?  Thanks to Martin Hadlow via the DX Dialog user-group for alerting us to this interesting article.



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