From the Branch Minute Books – Transcribed by Bill Marsh – Christian names added ( )

The first meeting of the Southland Branch of the New Zealand Radio DX league was held at the residence of Mr R. DUFF (Roland), 22 Jackson Street (Invercargill) on Tuesday 31st August, 1948.

Members present: Messrs. Warburton (Lloyd), Branks (Merv), Cushen (Arthur), Goodsir (George), Allan (Alex), Perkins (Harvey), Tombs (Evan), Frampton (Des), Duff (Roland), Mercer (Graham) and Carter (Dudley).

Moved Mr. Tombs 2nd Mr. Frampton that a branch of NZRDXL be formed.

Election of Officers;

President: Mr. A. Hume (Arthur)

Vice Presidents: A. Allan, G. Goodsir, D. Carter

Secretary and Treasurer: G. Mercer

Branch Register: D. Frampton

Log Keeper: L. Warburton

Competition Committee: M. Branks, A. Cushen, A. Hume, L.Warburton (Chairman) with power to add should occasion arise.

Auditor: Mr. J. Thomson (John?)

Stationery Secretary: Mr R. Duff

Magazine Committee: Branks, Cushen, Allan,Warburton, Carter.

General Committee: President, 3 V Pres, Secretary.

Branch members congratulated Mr. L. Warburton on him being elected National President of the New Zealand Radio DX League.

Name of Magazine; Lengthy discussion took place in which many names were put forward. New Zealand DX Times was chosen to  be forwarded to the Administrative Committee for their confirmation. The motion was moved by Mr. Branks, seconded Mr. Allan and carried unanimously.

Moved Mr. Carter, seconded Mr. Mercer that Mr. L. Warburton and M. Branks publish the first issue of the Branch DZ Digest.

Competitions: Best of Month

Broadcast KSTB L. Warburton.

Shortwave Stuttgart (6190 Kc) A. Cushen.

Amateur I1AHK G. Goodsir.

Apologies for the meeting were received from Mr. A. Hume, Mr. L. Kitson (Len). A vote of thanks was accorded Mr. R. Duff and his parents for their kind hospitality.

Minutes confirmed. Signed A. Hume.

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