Monthly Archives: April 2015

Radio Marti To Become Independent

martiThe White House has proposed turning Radio Marti, the U.S. government-controlled broadcaster created in part to undermine communist rule in Cuba, into a separate entity. This, as Washington seeks as new direction in its dealings with Havana.

Under the plan, the Miami based broadcaster, which is part of the Broadcasting
Board of Governors would become a separate entity along with unspecified parts
of Voice of America’s Spanish-language service. In essence, Radio Marti would
cease to be part of the U.S. government and would turn into a “grantee”
receiving federal funding. The proposal does not specify how it would be
structured beyond that it would a private, nonprofit organization.

On Air – A History of BBC Transmission

bbcqslA book titled On Air – A History of BBC Transmission is now available for
free download from the BBC Engineering website.

On Air celebrates a lifetime of achievement in the world of broadcast
transmission engineering and includes many anecdotes from the lives of people
involved. The idea for On Air came about back in 1997 when BBC Transmission
was privatized. Prior to that happening BBC Transmission delivered programs
to listeners and viewers for 75 years using a vast network of engineering