Monthly Archives: May 2016

The Editor’s Trip To Wellington



From the September 1939 issue of “TUNE IN”

As the story of the editor’s trip to Wellington may interest “Tune In’s” readers “Nosey” will endeavour to describe it to the best of his ability.

Before going any further, maybe those RA members who have never had the misfortune to meet Alf. Greenway, may like to know what he looks like, so here is a pen picture of him. He is between 20 and 40 years of age, about 5 or 6 feet in height; weighs something between 8 and 12 stone; isn’t a scrap like Clark Gable, and doesn’t wear a hat (he lost it a few years ago in Dunedin, so joined the hatless brigade.) A fuller description and a photograph could probably be seen at any Police Station.

A Radio Wedding


From August 1938 issue of


The marriage of Miss Milli-Amp to Mr. Micro Farad is the talk of the Radio World. The bride belongs to the well-known Current family and the groom is also popular. The bride’s father, Mr. A. C. Current, gave his daughter away, and her sister, Miss Uni Current acted in the capacity of bridesmaid. The reception, which was held at the home of the bride’s parents, was very successful. Miss Xmitter gave an exhibition of the “Frequency Creep” and also rendered a song – “Wobulation”. This turn upset things a little and there was a rush to the busbar, where the groom became a fixed condenser. After an overload of juice, his di-electric gave way and he collapsed in a short-circuit. This unfortunate accident was the cause of the reception being damped out. The couple left on a kilocycling Tour and we extend our best wishes to the couple.

A Perception Of Sunspots From 1939


From the December 1939 issue of


Christchurch DXers 1932-1940

CHRISTCHURCH DXers. 1932 – 40.

From February 1940 issue of “TUNE IN”

AT the A.G.M. of the Branch, March 1940, Christchurch will celebrate her 8th birthday. She was the first organised body of DXers in New Zealand, Dunedin being a close second.

The very first meeting of DXers in N.Z. was convened by the writer in conjunction with the Radio Society of Christchurch, on Thursday, Jan 28, 1932. This was the very first attempt to separate DXing from technical radio, and launch it as a specialised hobby. Twelve DXers answered the call, being V. Hogg, E. A. Whitehead, J. Henwood, S. Walton, G. Sadler, Curline, L. J. Marshall, G. Gerkins, R. J. Heese, J. Early, J. C. Stapleton, and “yours truly”. It was quite a successful evening, and led to a further informal meeting in Aril, 1932.

Station “NUTS” Calling

From “TUNE IN” October 1940

(Dedicated to all those brave souls called DXers who keep their lonely vigil in the silent watches of the night)

I gazed at “TUNE IN” with eyes shining bright,

And determined to try that very same night,

To log all the Yanks that “Notnats” reported.

So with ears straining hard the airwaves I courted.

But crackles and bangs were my miserable lot.

At the end of four hours ne’er a station I’d got.

But at last o’er my set came a wonderful change,