Alike international broadcasters, support services for the once-bouyant international broadcasting scene are also suffering in the death throes of shortwave.
This from Bob Groves, founder of Monitoring Times and Grove Enterprises:
“After 33 years of publishing the most informative and lauded
magazine on monitoring the radio spectrum, Judy and I are finally going
to retire. We are grateful for the dedicated efforts of our fine staff
of writers for the excellent work which has kept MT alive for all these
years. While we know the discontinuation of MT, with our December issue,
will be a disappointment to our readers and writers alike, we realize
that a combination of a down-turned economy, as well as the ready
availability of free listening and technical information on the
Internet, has reduced sales and subscriptions throughout the market
place. I would like to thank you personally for your knowledge, your
dependability, and your professionalism in making MT the publication
that is most often referred to in the radio monitoring hobby. It is a
legacy that we have all inherited.”
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